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Psychologist MAW Brouwer (1923-1991) once said, “Bumi Pasundan [Sunda Land, West Java] was created when God was smiling.” Given that the Citarum River is totally damaged and has brought disaster to the Sunda region, are Brouwer’s words still accurate?
”Is this the world’s most polluted river?” asks the headline of a news report published on Feb. 14, 2007. The river referred to was the Citarum.
March 6, 2018
Five years ago, in 2013, environmental groups Green Cross and Blacksmith Institute named the Citarum River one of the 10 most polluted locations in the world.
August 9, 2011
Kompas/Rony Ariyanto
Spanning around 300 kilometers, roughly the distance between New York and Boston, the Citarum plays a crucial role. About half a million people are directly affected by the river. Five million more are indirectly affected.
The Citarum River also supplies 80 percent of the drinking water for residents of Jakarta and the surrounding area and water for 2,000 factories. Meanwhile, the river provides water for 400,000 hectares of rice fields, an area 1,173 times the size of New York’s Central Park.
June 28, 2012
Kompas/Dedi Muhtadi
No other river accommodates three major dams. Citarum’s dams also serve as power plants. But, the destruction of the Citarum with massive pollution jeopardizes more than just Citarum’s infrastructure,
As the threat extends to humans and all living beings that rely for their lives on the Citarum and its tributaries. The polluted river, for example, has caused the death of thousands of fish.
January 16, 2013
Kompas/Rony Ariyanto
Overflow from the Citarum River has also hurt residents living further away from the river, as smelly and dirty water has inundated many a village and residential area.
KOMPAS/Rony Ariyanto-Rian SeptiandiJl. Dayeuhkolot in Bandung regency, West Java, is inundated in water overflowing from the Citarum, Dec. 23, 2012. Water recedes on Tuesday (March 6, 2018).
November 14, 2016
Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo
Residents suffer frequently from floodwater inundating their houses not only for a few minutes, but for hours or even days. This has forced many to abandon their homes and affected the economy, as people lose their source of prosperity.
March 15, 2016
Kompas/Rony Ariyanto
November 22, 2017
Shockingly, the flood in Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, occurred not in a lowland area but in an area 600 meters above sea level, four times higher than Jakarta’s National Monument (Monas).
April 27, 2011
Kompas/Rony Ariyanto
The flood in southern Bandung reportedly orginated in Curug Jompong, which is almost encircled by the Citarum. The government plans to build a water canal of 375 meters, but we do not know if that plan would actually materialize.
KOMPAS/Rony Ariyanto-Rian SeptiandiJl. Raya Dayeuhkolot in Bandung regency, West Java, hit by overflow from the Citarum River on Dec. 23, 2012 and on Tuesday (March 6, 2018).
The government has gone into action. Following an instruction of President Joko Widodo, Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has reiterated that the ministry is taking charge of restoring the Citarum River.
However, the revitalization of the Citarum River cannot stop at infrastructure development, given the fact that the destruction of the river has been triggered by residents in riverbank and downstream areas dumping garbage into the stream as they see fit.
October 27, 2016
Kompas/Rony Ariyanto
The Citarum River’s pollution extends beyond the body of water to affect all living beings along the course of the river, with contamination of toxic waste taking its toll on people’s health.
How could Indonesia’s Human Development Index improve while humans living near the Citarum are contaminated? Let’s not forget that the Citarum River is a source of life not only for one or two million people in this country, but for tens of millions.
March 6, 2018
Writer: Haryo Damardono | Language Editor: Lucia Dwi Puspita Sari | Videographers: Tatang Mulayana Sinaga, Rian Septiandi | Video Editors: Antonius sunardi, Vincentzo Calviny Joski | Photo Adjuster: Toto Sihono | Web Designers: Vandi Vicario, Deny Ramanda, Rafni Amanda | Photographers Dedi Muhtadi, Rian Septiandi, Rony Ariyanto, Wawan H Prabowo | Producers: Haryo Damardono, Septa Inigopatria, Prasetyo Eko Prihananto